Old Friends
It's great seeing old friends, again. They look like new, or rather, that they haven't aged very much, if at all. Meanwhile, I always feel like I've aged a lot, on top of how old I already was. But I'm trying not to think that way anymore.
The way I'm thinking now is how lucky I am just to see them. I'm lucky just to know them. I'm grateful that they're well, and happy, and healthy. I mean, they both just looked great. H. especially – he's Indian, so he has that lovely dark skin that doesn't seem to wrinkle. That beautiful jet black hair that takes to silver in a gorgeous way. She is foxy and beautiful as ever, too, with those lovely hazel eyes, full lips, and smooth skin. She's of Italian stock – so she's lucky, too. Me, with my Anglo-Saxon/Swedish genes (mainly) am more susceptible to the typical crumble and cracking like old dough left out in the sun too long, both soft and smooshy, but split and tired. A doughy face that doesn't do too well out in the sun. The problem is I love the sun, and need it desperately for my health.
But the point is, seeing old friends is awesome, and Thank God for FaceTime and Zoom and Skype and all the rest, so we can see each other and feel like we're there, even when we're hundreds of miles away.
For now, I've going through a physical/spiritual storm. I used to think my physical issues caused me to get on a spiritual path, but now I experience it as the other way around – my spiritual path is putting these physical issues in front of me to help me work on my inner self. My physical problems are a manifestation of deeper emotional, spiritual issues. Sure, food, sleep, exercise, and general lifestyle choices make a big difference, but ultimately it's my spirit that's underlying all of those choices.
I think I had a mild kidney infection. Or at least, my left kidney is working hard now to cleanse. I've put my body through a lot. Or, I've put myself through a lot without listening to myself and helping myself out. I'm trying to reverse that now – I'm trying sincerely to listen, and to communicate with my deeper self, the unconscious part that is really in charge of all the decisions I make, not my rational, conscious self.
The best I can do now is continue to pray to God for support and guidance, and to be thankful every day for His continued love and support. Thank you Jesus. Amen.