Election Day Eve

This one will be a little short, because today I'm running late. I'm getting over a gallbladder/urinary/kidney/yeast/whatever infection. Plus, tomorrow is Nov. 3rd. Nov. 3rd of 2020. WOO. The big day. It should be Halloween, but that just passed.

No, Nov. 3rd is on a Tuesday, and of course all hell is going to break loose. Or at least it is supposed to. I hope not, but you never know.

Today I'm just working my way through my own private stresses, fears, and joys – the ups and downs of a day. Luckily, the bigger operation isn't affecting me too much yet. That of course will change tomorrow, but that's, well, tomorrow. It could be a month, though. This thing could just take all f-ing year, and longer, to sort out. We could NEVER be normal again. If we were normal to begin with.

Yeah, the main objective for me is to keep my brain working when it feels like it's being soaked in engine oil. My thoughts struggle to bubble to the top, and when they do, it's a major success. When they don't, they sink to the bottom, never to rise again. I'll never salvage those thoughts. I'll never know what dead, or stillborn thoughts lie at the depths of that heavy, black muck.

And to keep my body strong enough, and light enough, to feel like a human body. To not feel all the energy sap out by walking up the flight of stairs to my bedroom, or scrubbing a tough stain on a dish.

And to keep my emotions and spirit properly aligned, so as not to lose my center, my balance. Or forget what it's all about. That's all.

So a short-er entry for today, Nov. 2nd. Tomorrow, Election Day, Nov. 3rd, is the big f-ing deal. The Y2K for the younger side of the millennials, and whatever generation comes after them. Too young to know or care about the 2000 “everything is going to shut down” scare. But whatevs.

Tonight, though, I'm not really concerned about the election much. I'm too concerned on how I feel like I'm going to fall asleep while writing this, sitting up. And besides, I'm just happy that THIS stage of the circus is finally leaving town. Those elephants leave giant turds.

Thankful for my health, for God, and for my hubby this evening. May all you out there have some creature comforts surrounding you as well, on this Election Day Eve.
